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Sketch to image

Sketch to image API

The sketch to image API endpoint allows you to generate an image corresponding to a sketch and a prompt describing what you expect.

Request and response

The request to be made is an https POST to and its body must be a multipart/form-data with the following fields:

  • a required sketch_file is the sketch you wish to use to guide the generation.
    • The sketch should be white sketch lines on a black background in a PNG, JPEG or WebP file, with a maximum width and height of 1024 pixels. For now, only square images are supported.
  • a required prompt text field describing the content to generate.
    • Maximum length of 5000 characters.

In case of success:

  • the response body will contain the generated image in jpeg format.
  • response mime type will be image/jpeg.
  • the response headers will include a x-remaining-credits property to tell you how many credits you have left and a x-credits-consumed property to tell you how many credits were consumed by your request.

In case of an error:

  • the response mime-type is application/json, the error type is indicated by the response status code and details are in the json body, ie
{ "error": "No api key provided" }


Requests are authenticated with an API key. If you do not have one, you can get one here.

If your key has leaked, you can revoke it and request a new one in your account page.


To generate an image will consume 1 credit per call.

Once logged in, you can claim 100 free Clipdrop APIs credits that you can use for development and debugging purposes. Once the 100 images have been consumed, further calls will be rejected.

If you need more credits, you can purchase more credits via the following link.

Quota / Rate limiting

By default, each API key has a limit of 60 requests per minute. Please let us know if you'd like higher values.


curl -X POST \
-H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
-F sketch_file=@owl-sketch.jpg \
-F 'prompt=an owl on a branch, cinematic' \
-o result.jpg

All possible responses

The result image, e.g. 
Example result of a reimagined image


Any question ? Contact us at or join the Slack community.